This part of the webpage contains information for the assistants. Please note that experiments will take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoon in the spring semester 2025. Please check this webpage regularly for updates. Thank you for your cooperation. Important dates you should have in your calender are the following:
- AP Welcome Event | What is the AP like? Thursday, February 13th, 2025 at 13:00 | Uferstrasse 90, Basel General information about your job in the upcoming semester, an introduction to lab safety, and possibility for you to ask your questions. Afterwards, there is time to do the experiment(s) you will be responsible for. Who? This event is mandatory for new AP coaches, while coaches that have already been part of the AP team in the past do not need to come. A personal invitation will follow by email. I am looking forward to seeing you! How to get there: Directions to Uferstrasse, Site Plan (both in German), or check the General Information (English).
- Important Deadline | Your dates of unavailability Friday, February 14th, 2025 | via email Please inform me about your dates of unavailability during the spring semester (i.e. conferences, group meetings, holiday plans, etc.), and send your information via email to c.meier@unibas.ch - thank you!
- AP Correction Event | Guidelines on how to correct a protocol Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 at 11:00 | online via ZOOM (or at Uferstrasse for those who want to participate on site) There will be a presentation with guidelines on how to correct protocols, then we will look at some examples and talk about the "AP error calculation". A short discussion will follow. Moreover, you will get information about the safety features of our lab rooms at Uferstrasse. We will also discuss the corona health protection concept. Who? This event is mandatory for all AP coaches.
- AP School Event 1 | A school class from AGS school Basel comes for a visit Friday, February 21st, 2025 from 08:45 to 12:00 | Uferstrasse 90 Pupils from AGS school Basel come to Uferstrasse and carry out AP experiments supervised by our coaches. Depending on the experiment, this will take 2 to 3 hours. The coaches discuss the experiment with the students, and assist them during the data taking. The analysis of the measurement data will be assisted by the school teachers. Who? Coaches responsible for the following experiments: IE2 - Magnetfeld und Permeabilität IE3 - Induktion IE4 - Spezifische Ladung des Elektrons IM3 - Maxwell'sches Rad IM5 - Doppler Effekt IM6 - Zentrifugalkraft
- First regular AP experiments | Let's start! Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 at 13:00 | Uferstrasse 90, Basel From now on there will be AP experiments you have to supervise on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoon following your personal schedule (will be published no later than the end of the second week of the semester).
- AP School Event 2 | A school class from Gymnasium Kirschgarten Basel comes for a visit Monday, March 17th, 2025 from 08:45 to 12:00 | Uferstrasse 90 Pupils from Gymnasium Kirschgarten Basel come to Uferstrasse and carry out AP experiments supervised by our coaches. Depending on the experiment, this will take 2 to 3 hours. The coaches discuss the experiment with the students, and assist them during the data taking. The analysis of the measurement data will be assisted by the school teachers. Who? Coaches responsible for the following experiments: IE1 - Coulomb'sches Gesetz IE3 - Induktion IE4 - Spezifische Ladung des Elektrons IU2 - Gravitationskonstante IM2 - Luftkissentisch
- AP School Event 3 | A school class from Gymnasium Kirschgarten Basel comes for a visit Monday, March 31st, 2025 from 08:45 to 12:00 | Uferstrasse 90 Pupils from Gymnasium Kirschgarten Basel come to Uferstrasse and carry out AP experiments supervised by our coaches. Depending on the experiment, this will take 2 to 3 hours. The coaches discuss the experiment with the students, and assist them during the data taking. The analysis of the measurement data will be assisted by the school teachers. Who? Coaches responsible for the following experiments: IE5 - Transformator IE6 - Faraday-Konstante IU3 - Lichtgeschwindigkeit IU4 - Elementarladung IM5 - Doppler Effekt
Please read the handout General Information carefully before the semester starts. It contains information about your job as an AP assistant, shows where the AP lab is situated, informs you about your duties before and during the semester, tells you how to correct the students lab reports, and so on. The checklist is meant to be understood as a guideline on how to correct protocols. You are at Uferstrasse looking for any consumables, instruments, and more? Please check our inventory for help, or contact . Of course, there are no AP experiments taking place on holidays such as Easter Monday, or Dies Academicus etc. If you have any further questions please contact .